Los 1420
INDIA, Post-Gupta (Pratiharas). Bhoja I (Prabhasa/Adivarha/Mihira), 836-885. Drachm (Silver, 16 mm, 4.00 g). Boar-headed Varaha jumping right out of the cosmic ocean; to left, trident; to right differing objects swimming on the surfaces of the cosmic ocean, one of them a waterlily. Rev. SRIMAD ADIVARAHA ('The fortunate primaeval boar' in Nagari). Deyell, Living Without Silver, 8. Minor deposits, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Prof. Dr. Björn-Uwe Abels, formed between 1970 and 2022.

This coin depicts the Varaha ('boar' in Nagari) on the obverse, which is one of the ten principal incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Varaha, depicted here with a human body and a boar's head, saved the earth in the legendary battle between the gods and demons over the nectar of immortality by lifting it out of the cosmic ocean. Bhoja, on the other hand, was the most powerful Indian ruler of his day. Fielding a mighty army with a strong cavalry, his reputation among the Arabs was so fearsome that he kept his people safe from Muslim invasions throughout his reign, thus saving India from the Muslims much like Varaha had saved the Earth from the demons.
25 CHF
60 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 12-Mar-23, 14:50:30 CET
Auf den Zuschlagspreis ist ein Aufgeld von 18,5% zu entrichten.

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